What To Do When You Hit an Income Plateaue in Your Business

business tips ceo embodyment money mindset sales sales strategy Jan 20, 2024

Everyone loves to shout about their next level wins, but what about when your growth feels well.. meh??

This happened to me at the end of 2021, where my income had most definitely hit a stalemate and needed a revival, so here are the steps that I took next to get the flow of abundance moving again: 

Checked for Duplicity

Radical self awareness in any situation is a gamechanger. When I realised my income had stagnated, I checked in with myself to see if there was conflict between what I said I wanted, and what I believed was possible, and could actually receive. 

The reality was, I couldn't hold energy for anymore 1:1 clients so I had been unconsciously resisting them.I launched my Mastermind instead (which I had been holding back on for months) and the money started flowing again because I was EXCITED to welcome new clients into the collective and that energy was magnetic and contagious.

I also had a nagging concern around tax, having spoken with an Entrepreneurial friend who had received a six figure tax bill, that she wasn't prepared for. I realised that I had picked up on some of her fears, and worried I would suffer a similiar fate, if I continued to grow at the same rate. I energetically had one foot on the gas, and one foot on the break, so I had to reframe my fears around tax (It is safe for me to earn more, pay more in tax, and contribute more to the economy and my local community). I also had to remind myself that I am a Money Mentor who manages her money well, and that I am resourceful AF and will always find a way to meet my financial commitments.  

Reset my Wealth Thermostat

Your brain will only allow you to receive the amount of money, that it feels is safe for you to receive. You will also have an energetic minimum that you will never go below and a maximum, that you will never go above, without resetting your WEALTH THERMOSTAT first. 

I looked at my beliefs around my next level of income and did the mindset work needed to reprogram those beliefs so that making more money, in easier ways than ever, was safe for me to make and hold on to. 

There is a free Wealth Expansion Hypnosis on my You Tube Channel 

Cleaned Up My Boundaries

How you do one thing in life is how you do everything. I looked at where else in life I was giving out too much energy, and not RECEIVING any back. 

This led me to cleaning up my boundaries with clients (energetic leaks), friends and family. I started asking for more help! I also hired a mentor and a new team member so that I could be fully supported at home and in my business. 

When money isn't flowing as you want, rather than focussing on conserving what you have and cutting out spending, its important to keep investing, but in the right places, which will give you the best ROI. 

Kept Myself Accountable 

Ultimately, selling is serving and no one wins if I play small. I kept myself accountable to my growth, by investing in a new mentor (which was an eyewatering amount and more than I paid for the deposit on my first house) so that I would not be tempted to coast in my business. 

I know I didn't come this far (even now) to only come this far and most of us have a deeper connection to our work. Don't do yourself and your clients a disservice, by holding back, hiding or underselling your potential. 

A good coach will hold a vision for you higher than you can even comprehend right now, allow yourself to expand into that vision. 

Went Back to Basics

As well as the energetics and mindset work needed to move through financial blocks, there are also practical steps you can take too. 

For me, that looked like being really honest with myself and seeing where my daily success steps had slipped. I took everything back to basics and reminded myself of the things I did when I was first starting out, that had lead to me to signing my first few clients. 

Sometimes we overcomplicate business and forget the fundamentals. Its always about burning your business down or reinventing the wheel - its just reconnecting with the basics.

And if you want to dive deeper.. 

With every new level of income, there is a new devil (limiting belief that needs a reprogram, energetic blocks or trauma that needs to be healed) that needs to be overcome. 

Your relationship with money will never be a one and done - like any other relationship in life, it will continue to evolve and need nurturing along the way. 

If you want to dive deeper into your money story, beliefs system, how you manage money and sustain it, forgive past traumas, and more so that you can reignite your flow of abundance, join me inside my brand new Wealth Activation program - YOU ARE THE TABLE, designed specifically for heart-led women in business like YOU!  


Want to take this one step further? 

Download my free Wealth Activation System here for a deep dive into your subconscious brain, to heal your relationship with money and attract more wealth Today!

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