How to Fall in Love With Saving to Unlock Your Wealthy Woman Era

ceo embodyment financial freedom money mindset money tips Oct 28, 2024

In a world where our brains are hard-wired to seek out instant gratification, it can be challenging to commit to an unsexy savings plan, even if it is step 1 to achieving financial security. We prefer to YOLO it up instead, and trade our freedom in the future, for a false sense of freedom now. This is how and why buy now pay later schemes are so popular! 

Having Safety Savings in place, that will cover the cost of insurance premiums if life were to happen, and also unexpected costs, so that you don't have to resort to putting things on credit is a must! Having the money ready to go, will give you access to better rates (as interest payments are usually an absolute liberty), allow you to make better financial decisions (would you actually pay full price for that thing, if credit wern't an option??), and regulate your nervous system around money, increasing your sense of self-trust and safety. 

As a Money Mentor, who believes in the abundance of the Universe, I struggle with the usual teachings of other 'Money Gurus' who focus on restriction and lack, to convince people that this approach will lead to financial abundance - it wont. Removing every element of joy from your life (I cannot describe the happiness that a Cinnamon Chai Lattte brings me) and making the path to abundance painful and tortured willl only lead to more lack, feeling really goddamn miserable and increase your chance of falling into a shame spiral when you eventually have enough, and embark on a spending frenzy, because, after all of your sacrifices you 'deserve it'. 

I prefer to teach my clients to focus on increasing their income instead, as you can only get your expenses down to zero, whereas your potential to earn is unlimited. 

That being said, you need to at least have a number in the bank, that provides you safety and options, if you were to need to get your hands on unexpected cash. This is just step 1 though, so for the rest of my Financial Freedom Fast-Track Formula click on this link

So, here are my top tips to falling in love with the process of creating an intentional savings pot, that still allows you to feel abundant and empowered on the journey.  

Once you have decided on the savings number you would like to achieve (and this will be personal to you).. 

1 - Create a vision, and a reason why you want to achieve it. This should tie into your bigger vision for wealth and financial freedom (whatever that means to you). Why is it so important? Who wins when you do? How will this impact those around you? How will these savings support the highest version of your life? Having this deeper connection to the purpose of the savings, will really help you stay focussed and intentional on the journey to creating it. It suddenly changes from a 'nice to', to a non-negotiable, and there is nothing more powerful than a woman who has decided that her success is inevitable. 

2 - Gamify it. Set mini milestone challenges, reward yourself once you hit them and keep your eyes on the prize at all times. You can download my free savings challenge tracker here. If you love stationary and tick-off-able lists, this is for you.  

3 - Get Creative. Brainstorm 10-15 ways that you could generate the additional income to hit your savings goal, so that you don't have to rely on restricted spending instead. You could accelerate your timeline to achieving your goal massively by tapping into the full abundance available to you. You could utilise Topcashback sites (I once generated hundreds of pounds in a day by switching my life, car, pet and home insurance to new providers and changing utilities. Use this link to access my recommended cashback website

4 - Create a Vision Board & Daily Abundance Anchors. Surround yourself with reminders as to why your savings are so important. Maybe they are a stepping stone to a larger purchase or financial freedom. Staying focussed on the end goal helps to elevate your vibrations, stay in a positive, solutions-focussed mindset and allow you to get excited about what's to come. The true excitement in Christmas is the build up and anticipation, more than just receiving the presents afterall. This extended gratification is a powerful positive psychology tool. You could set reminders on your phone, change the password on your laptop or have an aspirational image saved to your desktop, that will all act as powerful reminders of the good things that are to come! 

5 - Keep Yourself Accountable. It's easy to set big goals when no one is watching. If you want to be 95% likely of actually achieving them, the key to success is to let people know what you are working on, and ask a person that you respect to keep you accountable through regular check ins and progress updates. This will help you to stay focussed, problem solve along the way and share in the excitement on your mini wins along the way! 

 Want to dive deeper into transforming your relationship with money, on the go? Download my Millionaire Playlist (the ultimate personal development resource for the busy woman) for just £27 here.  

Want to take this one step further? 

Download my free Wealth Activation System here for a deep dive into your subconscious brain, to heal your relationship with money and attract more wealth Today!

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