How to Fix Your Energy Leaks in Business to Hit Consistent 20k Months
Sep 21, 2022
Next to your time, your energy is your greatest asset in your business. People buy from people and if you are not showing up as your best self, right now, it WILL be affecting your conversions and your bottom line. No one wants to work with a stressed out coach or service provider who is juggling hundreds of hats and plates!
One of the very first things I support my 1:1 clients to do, when we begin work on hitting their next level of success, is check their current energetic and financial leaks in their business. You have to create space for new abundance, and you cannot hit your next level of success if you are energetically weighed down, overwhelmed and exhausted each day. It wouldn't lead to sustainable and predictable success, instead it would lead to artificial highs and inconsistent revenue. We are not about that life!
If you are ready for more, here are the key activities that you need to do:
- Work on your money mindset DAILY to reprogram your mindset for wealth. Making money gets to be easy, when you believe it can be. Download my free Wealth Activation System here to start that work TODAY!
- Stop selling individual sessions and create high-ticket packages, to deliver a complete transformation or experience for your clients.
- Create automatic subscriptions for anyone who is paying via a payment plan, or ensure you receive payment upfront, so that you never have to chase for payment again.
- Stop undercharging for your services or basing your pricing on the average price in your market. Gucci does not compete with Primark, because they are cheaper, and its ok to be aspirational for clients to work with you.
- Not everyone gets to have access to you. Only work with your ideal client, who values what you bring to the table.
- Enforce your personal boundaries and have the confidence to design a business that serves you, not the other way around.
- Stay in your zone of genius, stop creating busy work, prioritise money making activities, and outsource, eliminate and delegate the rest.
Let me know in the comments, which of these tasks you will be implementing Today!
If you are a results-driven woman in business, who is looking to scale their business with ease, and hit your next level of income, book a free strategy call with me here to see how I can support your growth.
Want to take this one step further?
Download my free Wealth Activation System here for a deep dive into your subconscious brain, to heal your relationship with money and attract more wealth Today!
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