Overcoming Your Money Blocks in Business
Sep 09, 2022
You know you are meant for more, but you are not yet hitting the big money goals that you desire, here’s why!
Money blocks are beliefs that you have (typically formed in early childhood) around receiving and making money that are stopping you from receiving that wealth and abundance that you desire.
βHere are 3 commons blocks that I see most often with my coaching clients:
1 – Issues with receiving
I work with so many clients who struggle to receive actual physical money in their businesses. They will often offer crazy discounts or even barter for their services. They feel guilty for charging their prices or they doubt that people will pay them, so they panic discount and backtrack. Money is an exchange of energy, let it be an equal transaction!
How often do you struggle to accept even a compliment, or an offer for someone else to pay for coffee? What message is this sending to the Universe? Embrace your feminine energy (the Universal energy for receiving) and say Yes! Make room energetically to receive the wealth and abundance that is meant for you.
They struggle to pay themselves profits from their business. They continually spend up to the last penny in the account and reinvest instead. We are told basic accounts are sales, minus expenses and we are only entitled to have whatever is left. Not on my watch! I teach my clients the Profit First method of accounting because your business has to serve you and not the other way round.
2 – Lack of clarity around their goals
Your subconscious mind and The Universe love specifics. When you are super vague about the goals you want to hit in your business, it will always take the path to least resistance.
You want more money this month? Amazing, you find a forgotten penny in your trouser pocket and The Universe is patting itself on the back for a job well done! Erm.. I’m sure that wasn’t quite what you were hoping for!
Instead, of leaving it to anyone else to decide what ‘more’ equates to, write specific goals that feed into your overall income goals for the year. Reverse engineer it so that you know the exact numbers of clients and packages that amount equates to, and your subconscious mind will get to work.
You will have a clear plan of the actions you need to take each day, and the money will soon start rolling in.
3 – Attaching your personal value to your self-worth.
How often have you heard, ‘charge your worth’? Noooo!!!
Your prices and services are not a reflection of your personal worth!! They are a reflection of the transformation/service/experience that your customer will receive and what that value is to them. If you are a service-based business, offering incredible transformations for your clients, that is how you price your services.
Detach your ego and self-worth from the number and it will be much easier to sell with confidence, without feeling that every no is a personal rejection of your soul.
How to overcome them
Surround yourself with people who are at the same level as you or higher so that you know what is possible for you too. There is power in the collective feminine energy, which is why high-level Masterminds are priced so highly! It is far harder to create a six-figure business when you are surrounded with people with a three-figure mindset. You can join my incredible mastermind, The Six Figure Sisterhood here!
You can also access my free Wealth Activation System here, which is a series of hypnosis audios that, when used daily, will reprogram and rewire your brain to receive more wealth.
Now is the time ladies to hit those big money goals, to stop playing small and live your dream life - You just have to let The Universe know that you are serious!
Want to take this one step further?
Download my free Wealth Activation System here for a deep dive into your subconscious brain, to heal your relationship with money and attract more wealth Today!
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