Visualise the win!

future self mindset tool visualisation Jan 19, 2022

The power of visualisation can never be underestimated. Both in conditioning your mind for the success of an outcome, and in harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction to manifest like a pro!

Athletes use this technique daily when looking to enhance their performance. Tests have actually shown that they can increase muscle mass and physical performance just through this technique alone. Without actually doing any physical movements! Our mind is truly incredible.
Jim Carey famously wrote a cheque to himself for $10,000 000 dated to be paid in1995 when he was just a struggling actor. He used that as a visual prompt for years and in 1994 he received a $10M paycheck for his role in Dumb and Dumber!

From an NLP perspective, memories are not stored in a chronological order. Our brain cannot differentiate between what has happened already and what is yet to come when we have visualised an outcome.

  • To practice this technique, first get super clear on what outcome you would like. It needs to be specific. If you wanted to lose weight for example, picture an outfit that you would wear and a place that you would wear it to etc.

  • Get yourself in a comfortable, relaxed position and take a few deep breaths, to quiet your mind.

  • Next, focus on the outcome that you would like to achieve.

  • You need to hear what you would hear if you were there. Engage all of your senses to really immerse yourself in that moment. Who would be there with you? What would you see, feel, smell.

  • To go one step further, you can also visualise hitting the milestones along the way, that you would need to hit in order to achieve your ultimate goal.

  • The best time to do this is before bed as your unconscious mind will continue to play that movie, long after you have arrived in Sleepytown!

  • Side note - Your unconscious mind will also actively seek out opportunities to make your goals happen, once it knows what you want. Have you ever thought about buying a new car and then suddenly you see it everywhere? You can thank your unconscious mind for adjusting its filters to be aware of your gaols.

  • Be optimistic and trust in the Universe. What you desire is already yours. You’ve totally got this! Any negativity around the outcome will just undo all of the good work you have put in so far!

If you practice this daily, your brain will become more familiar with that outcome, and see it less as a threat. We are far less likely to be nervous or feel resistance towards it and therefore sabotage our attempts because it is too far out of our comfort zone.

An amazing example I have of Visualisation, is when I won an award for excellence in customer service, for my business several years ago. There are many times throughout my life however (before any knowledge of the LOA), where I have been so sure of an outcome I can literally feel it. I just knew it would happen and that was that. On those occasions I was always right. These examples are what helped me to understand the principles of manifestation without any resistance. It made sense to me as I had some experience of it.
When I entered the Awards, my business was relatively new. I didn’t have any business (excuse the pun) competing with more experienced, larger companies that had much longer track records of success. I believed in myself and my business however. Customer experience has always been at the forefront of everything I have ever done, from a very young age. I knew that I should recognise my team’s efforts and at least put us forward.
It was a long shot and a lot of work but something kept me going throughout the extensive interview process. I had had to provide so much evidence, it would have been easy to quit and leave it until a time where I felt worthy of winning but I couldn’t give up.
When it came to the evening, nerves were high. I had paid for the whole team of 10 to attend, so that they could also celebrate their inevitable success, as ultimately it was down to them. We had been shortlisted for every category we had entered (3 in total) but did not win the first 2 awards. My team were getting restless, wanting to leave as the same names kept being called again and again and a theme was emerging. We were the underdogs for sure. I couldn’t explain but I just knew in my soul that we had to see out the night. I could practically hear our names being called and I could see myself walking to the stage to accept our award. I had already started to write some notes on my napkin as to who I should thank as I wanted to make my speech meaningful. Most of the speeches had been very dry and corporate which is the furthest from my personality.
As the last award rolled round, my team had all but lost interest in anything but the free champagne, so I was pretty much on my own in visualising our win. As the judge announced our name, I had heard it so many times in my head it actually took me a couple of seconds to register that they had said it out loud! It was only when our table erupted into absolute chaos (the boys were smashed by this point so had knocked over their chairs, and were up on their feet like fans ready to invade a football pitch!) that I snapped back into the room. I did the running man (my signature move) across the dance floor, gave my speech/stand up comedy routine (I crack jokes when I am nervous) and had the best night!
My award now sits proudly on my desk at home, as a reminder that if I have enough belief in myself, I can pretty much achieve anything and you can too!
I love a good success story, leave me a comment below with your ultimate visualisation success story x

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