This is the home of the purpose-driven women who want to create a life and business they are wildly obsessed with.

Where wealth building and integrity is always the vibe, this is the table with the higher level conversations and industry changing feminine leadership.


This is where you learn how to work smarter not harder, and leverage your time, energy and money to give you maximum results and time freedom.

This is the anti-hustle business growth accelerator, where sacrifice no longer needs to be part of the equation and fun always gets to be the focus.

Where Woman Supporting Woman is More Than a Hashtag!








Creating truly unstoppable, success in all areas of life and business

Scale your business with the most female-centric mastermind and mentorship of its kind.

This is for you if

You know that your net-worth is a direct reflection of the quality of your network, and the relationships you build in business. 

You know that your net-worth is a direct reflection of the quality of your network, and the relationships you build in business. 

You know that your net-worth is a direct reflection of the quality of your network, and the relationships you build in business. 

You know that your net-worth is a direct reflection of the quality of your network, and the relationships you build in business. 

You know that your net-worth is a direct reflection of the quality of your network, and the relationships you build in business. 

This is NOT for you if

You know that your net-worth is a direct reflection of the quality of your network, and the relationships you build in business. 

You know that your net-worth is a direct reflection of the quality of your network, and the relationships you build in business. 

You know that your net-worth is a direct reflection of the quality of your network, and the relationships you build in business. 

You know that your net-worth is a direct reflection of the quality of your network, and the relationships you build in business. 

You know that your net-worth is a direct reflection of the quality of your network, and the relationships you build in business. 

Why The Wealthy Woman Mastermind is different

This is truly the most female-centric mastermind of its kind.

This is the home of the purpose-driven women who want to make an income AND an impact.

 The women who want to have fun, and connect in meaningful ways. 

You are more than a number, you are seen, heard and held.

Yass I'm Ready For My Wealthy CEO Era!

Every strategy shared is personalised to YOU, your natural strengths, human design, energy types, goals, dreams, ambitions - there is nothing cookie cutter about this experience.

As well as being supported by myself, an Award-Winning, Mentor with 9 years real world business experience, you will also tap into the collective creative energy of the other women inside the collective. 

This is a true sisterhood

where referrals, collaborations and genuine connections are always the vibe.

What to Expect

welcome pack

Every woman has a story, and this is your chance to be fully seen as heard. When you register for the mastermind you’ll receive your Mastermind Welcome Pack, which you’ll complete and return to me before our initial 1:1 session together.


This is your chance to commit your vision, strengths, and challenges, your connection to your work and more, to paper, so that we can create a powerful, personalised strategy to scale your business in the simplest, most fun and sustainable way possible, that plays to your natural strengths and Human Design profile.

Personalised Strategy Session With Rebecca

In this 90-minute private strategy session, we’ll create a roadmap for the exact steps you need to take in order to set yourself up for success in the Mastermind, and map out your first quarterly plan.

This is designed specifically for you and will include how to connect with your dream clients, brand mission and message, sales goals, and your content and marketing strategy. The aim of this sessions is ensure you have made back your ENTIRE INVESTMENT within the first quarter.

valued at £997

Quarterly in-person Mastermind Sessions

Get laser focussed on your business with quarterly in-person Mastermind sessions and events to accelerate your growth, network and have fun with your fellow success sisters. Hosted a luxury venue for a day of intention, fun and your next level breakthrough, to support you in embodying your inner Wealthy Woman.

valued at £997

A Luxury 2 Day In-Person Retreat in California September 2024

valued at £2500

Transform from the inside out, at this beautiful 2 day retreat, and business intensive. Balancing the masculine and the feminine so you leave, refreshed, recharged and more focussed than ever.








Hot-Seat Coaching with Rebecca

valued at £2500

Every other week you’ll be mentored by Rebecca in the group hot-seat & accountability coaching call.


This is set up so that everybody in the group has time to have their questions answered in depth and 1:1 with Rebecca, within the call, via zoom video.


We’ll be figuring out your next steps to success together and setting commitments for the next action to be taken, or mindset shift to be chosen… you can bring anything to these calls. It’s your safe space to share your wins, your stretches, and the things that are challenging for you that you’re looking for mentorship and support to move through.


Not only do you benefit from the wisdom of Rebecca and her clients, you also get the bonus opportunity of tapping into the collective strengths of your success sisters

Private Voxer Channel & Facebook Group

Get to know, and support your fellow success sisters inside your exclusive and intimate community group.

You can also share anything you want, from feedback about funnels to celebrating your wins, you will have the support not only of Rebecca but a full squad of women who want to see YOU win!

Don't wait for the live calls - get real-time feedback when you need it.

Monthly Guest Expert Sessions

valued at £3497

Each month there will be a different Guest Expert sharing their knowledge with you, that will either support your business growth, personal and spiritual growth or grow your investment portfolio, so that you can create true time and financial freedom.

Dedicated Members Resource Area

valued at £5997

Once enrolled, you'll receive instant access to our members' library of business scaling content with hours of lessons ranging from sales trainings, online marketing, social media, hypnotherapy audios and meditations to reprogram your mindset for success, as well as hours of recorded Q&A calls and training from me and my network of million-dollar guest experts.

We are constantly updating the members library, and you get lifetime access to everything inside...

Things like how to run a free challenge launch, how to set up a webinar campaign, how to create passive income from a membership or online course... you want it, you got it.

2 x 90 Minute Strategy Sessions to be used at any time over the 12 months i.e. during launch so you can have my eyes (and 9 years experience) on your business plans

Valued at £1997


Access to my little black books of contacts and business connections of 6,7 and 8 figure earners, to turbocharge your visibility and shortcut your success

valued at £4997

priceless rewards


Inclusive in HIGH LEVEL VISIBILITY EVENTS  (such as summits and stage work), to 10 x your authority, visibility, leads and sales

Exclusive Speaker Opportunities

Want access to higher level visibility opportunities, such as stage work and online summits? 


As a Mastermind member, you are automatically first in line, we actively open doors and provide stages inside this community..

Bonus Program Access

As part of the Mastermind, you also receive complimentary access to Rebecca's other programs, so you can maximise your money and your mission

During our 12 months together you will walk away with the business, marketing, and mindset strategies, connections and wellbeing optimisation, that will allow you to:

Create predictable, scalable income in your business in a way that keeps you in your zone of genius, and doing what you do best

Have access to exclusive speaker opportunities to increase your visibility and income

Attract premium clients who are ready and excited to pay your uplevelled prices

Enjoy more freedom in your life and business so you can prioritise your health, relationships, and FUN

Feel confident in your business, marketing, automation, and delegation skills

Have fun at luxury in-person events and retreats, that add the boujee back into business - no boring boardrooms here!

Ready to Join Us?

Submit Your Details Below!


Vibe Check...


Who said business needs to be boring? At our quarterly in-person events, we love to keep it boujie and fun, so that you can step into your Wealthy CEO era!